Fastest inferencing, finetuning & training for AI & LLMs

Best Performance at the lowest cost

Empower Your Enterprise With AIKoder

  • End-to-End Secure & Private Generative AI for All.
  • Allow your teams to harness the full potential of Generative AI using your data in a private, controlled environment.
  • Run AI models in your Private Cloud or Your Data Center or public cloud (Google, Amazon, Azure...) or AIKoder SAAS: LLMs (Llama2, Llama3, Mistral, Mixtral, Gemma, Phi...) and many others.

How are we faster?

By manually deriving all compute heavy maths steps and handwriting GPU kernels, AIKoder can magically make inferencing and training faster without any hardware changes.

  • • Manual Optimization: AIKoder optimizes mathematical operations manually to reduce computational complexity.
  • • GPU Optimization: Handcrafted GPU kernels are employed to execute operations efficiently on GPU hardware.
  • • Faster Inferencing: AIKoder's techniques streamline inference processes, reducing redundant computations.
  • • Accelerated Training: Training speed is enhanced through optimizations, reducing iteration times on large datasets.
  • • Hardware Agnostic: AIKoder achieves faster performance without hardware changes, making it adaptable to existing setups.

1 GPU or 100 GPUs

  • • 10x Faster on Single GPU: AIKoder achieves a speedup of 10 times compared to Flash Attention 2 (FA2) when running on a single GPU.
  • • Up to 32x Faster on Multiple GPUs: When deployed on systems with multiple GPUs, AIKoder can achieve a speedup of up to 32 times compared to FA2.
  • • GPU Compatibility: AIKoder is compatible with NVIDIA GPUs ranging from Tesla T4 to H100.
  • • Portability: Additionally, AIKoder is designed to be portable, allowing it to run on GPUs from AMD and Intel as well.

We're making AI inferencing & training easier for everyone

Faster hardware is getting harder to make. Armed with our maths and coding expertise, we specialize in optimizing AI and ML workloads

3x faster inference - even faster in the works

AIKoder Inference is 4x lower cost than OpenAI and other Inference in the market. Inference that’s fast, simple, and scales as you grow.(Easy, fast, and cheap LLM serving for everyone).

Build models from scratch

  • Leverage advanced data selection tools like DSIR to select data slices and then optimize the amount of each slice used with DoReMi.
  • Evaluate your final model on public benchmarks such as HELM and LM Evaluation Harness, and your own custom benchmark, so you can iterate quickly on model quality.
  • We love to build state-of-the-art models. Use AIKoder Custom Models to train your next generative AI model.

Contact Us

Please send us an email. We're excited to hear about your AI and LLM use cases.